A holistic & modern approach to affirming therapy for gay men.
My name is Chris Tompkins and I specialize in working with adult gay men and the unique challenges they face related to self-esteem, identity formation, people-pleasing, and anxiety.

P.D., Entrepreneur
My work with Chris has made a big impact on me. He carefully attuned to what my needs were (confidence with my business) and helped me strategically develop a plan to grow in the direction of my dreams. He's very intuitive and has an in-depth understanding of LGBT issues. Highly recommended.
J.L., Therapist
Chris helps you find the pace that feels just right, making your journey seem lighter. Chris' deep understanding and professional expertise creates a sense of safety, helping you to easily move forward toward discovering and embracing your truth.
S.W., Teacher/Author
Chris Tompkins' message and work not only needs to be heard, but implemented through teachers, administrators and leaders to help regenerate the esteem of future generations.